"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's Been Awhile....

To my faithful blog followers (if any of you even exist anymore ), I know that it has been almost a month now since last I blogged.  Summer does seem to get away from me sometimes.  However, take heart, because over the next few days, I intend to get you up-to-date and share with any of you who are still reading just what, exactly, we have been up to these last weeks.  The above picture gives you a good idea of how we have spent much of our time, or rather who we have been spending time with.  You see, we have just completed a two-week family extravaganza out at the lake.  Pake, Beppe, The Crane Gang, Erin, Kevin and their pups - yep, the whole gang was at the lake for two whole weeks (give or take a couple of days for a few poor souls who actually had to go to work).  To say we had a blast is a bit of an understatement :)  So, for the first installment of our "staycation", read on....oh, and keep on checking back as I sort through lots of photos and attempt to get caught up!

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