"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

An Afternoon at Target Field

The day after Erin and Kevin joined us at the lake, we headed into the city to cheer on our MN Twins.  Ironically, they were playing the Tampa Bay Rays - the team of Erin's current home - though this day, she says she cheered for the Twins :)  After a train ride to the stadium, we found our seats, which thankfully were in the shade the whole game, as it was a pretty warm day!
Our seats spanned from seat number 1 to number 12 so it was tricky to get a group photo.  This was the best I got (Thanks Amy and Mom for "smiling" for the camera).
These two kiddos were closest to me for most of the game so I did get some shots of them.
As previously mentioned, it was a pretty warm afternoon (though nothing like the heat we are currently experiencing - yikes!) so I had stuck a spray bottle in my purse just in case we needed a little spritzer.  Turns out that it was a great source of entertainment around the seventh inning when the kiddos were getting a bit restless.
Though the Twins did end up losing late in the game, it was still a good memory maker!  Go Twins!

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