"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Aquatennial '11

Last weekend we continued what has become a bit of a tradition by heading into the city to watch what we think are the best fireworks around these parts.  The show in the sky is part of the Aquatennial Celebration that takes place the last part of July each summer.  This year we were joined by our pals, the Berge's, who introduced us to a new location for viewing the fireworks - a great little park on Nicollet Island.  We arrived early, eating supper nearby and then spreading out blankets and chairs in the park in anticipation of the show.  The kiddos each found a stick within about five minutes of our arrival to the park - providing a good source of entertainment for a fair amount of time - they were bubble wands, swords, conductor sticks, instruments, fireworks-shooter-offer-thingies.....you get the picture. 
There was also some frisbee playing that took place,
which was paired with a bit of frisbee instruction.
When one was tired of playing this particular game, it was a great discovery to find out that his frisbee could also double as a quite dapper hat.
Because there was a chance of scattered thunderstorms that evening, we did come prepared with some shelter from any rain that decided to pop up.  The kids also used the umbrellas as a source of entertainment, even using them to build a small fort.  Great kid stuff :).
Unfortunately, about 30 minutes before the fireworks were scheduled to begin, a light show of a different kind started to take place in the skies north of where we were sitting.  Some in our group thought we should pack up and leave but others were convinced that we had come too far to just turn back and go (I was of the second opinion, as were all of the kids).  However, as foreshadowed by the umbrella above, just as the show we originally planned to watch began (albeit 15 minutes early in an attempt to beat out the weather), rain drops began to fall.  They increased in size and frequency quite quickly, causing us to take shelter near some bushes.  We could still see the show, though, and it did not disappoint.  My one photo of the actual show does not do it justice, but, once the rain started, I was a bit too busy trying to give shelter to some kiddos to take photos.
To say we looked like drowned rats when it was all said and done would be an understatement, but we all agreed once we were back in the van that this was the kind of night that memories are made of.  "Remember that one year when we watched the Aquatennial fireworks in a downpour.....?" Aaahhh.  Good stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE your "Makin Memories" attitude! Can't go wrong with that attitude. Sounds like a great experience. Grandma