"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SonSurf Beach Bash

Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church and this year's theme was SonSurf Beach Bash.  It was an EPIC adventure - one in which our entire family was able to participate.  Each day had a different action point (Meet Up with Jesus, Join Up with Jesus, Look Up to Jesus, Open Up to Jesus and Fire Up for Jesus) as well as a Big Question and Big Answer, all of which centered around the life of Jesus.  Our church was transformed into an ocean/beach oasis.  Upon arrival, beach goers were greeted by this giant "sand" castle.  Kids could send their offering down the slide each day into the pool.
Here's Z ready to catch a wave.
And here's T checking out the totally awesome octopus!
I was able to be a part of the week by teaching at the Bible Story Center - here's a look at Bonfire Beach where the kids came to chill out and hear amazing stories about Jesus.
 And here are some of the kids I hung out with each day.
Michael was the leader at the game center - they played lots of beachy/water games and the kids loved it!
And even though Z was too young to participate in the actual programming, she got her own version of SonSurf Beach Bash each day in the nursery, making some of the same crafts and eating the same snacks as the "big kids". 
We opened and closed each morning with a group time of singing, the daily Bible Verse, and other "sick" stuff. 
 It was a super busy but totally radical week and it served as a great reminder, to both kids and grown-ups alike, that, hey, it's all about Jesus, dude!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! PRAISING THE LORD FOR YOUR ENERGY AND LOVE FOR ALL THOSE PRECIOUS LITTLE ONES. Blessings today, as you get ready for camp. See you Thursday night. Grandma L.