"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, August 01, 2011

Movin' On Up

The bedrooms in our home, especially Miss Z's, are not overly spacious.  So for the past couple of months, as our kids are getting bigger and their toys and things seem to occupy more space, we have been tossing around a few different space saving ideas.  After not too much deliberation, we settled on an option and decided to implement it last week.  For Z, we ended up purchasing a kid's sized loft from IKEA (the best space saving store around).  It's not a full height loft but is much more Z-friendly.  It is high enough to give her some play space underneath but not so high that she is sleeping right next to the ceiling :).  Here's a look at the finished product.
After purchasing Z's loft, Michael was quite certain he could build one for T for less money.  He was right.  And because T has a basement bedroom that has a ledge on two of the four walls, Michael customized the loft to sit on that ledge, thus maximizing the space all the more.  After it was constructed, Michael, T and I all painted it - a real source of pride for T.  Lifting his bed off the floor, as well as downsizing his previous queen-sized bed to a twin, allowed us to also move T's drum set into his bedroom - a definite favorite for him.  Now he can shut his door, put on his protective ear gear, and drum away to his heart's content.  Check it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...