"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Double The Adventure

Because T and Z's birthdays are a mere 16 days apart, this year we decided to throw them a joint birthday party. I wasn't sure how T would feel about the idea but..... he thought it was a super plan! (Thanks, Erik and Annika, for giving him the experience of attending your joint party last fall which made him think double parties are cool). T really wanted a jungle or rainforest party so we needed to come up with something that would fit that bill as well as have some of Z in it, too. What did we decide upon???? A Dora and Diego Rainforest Adventure! T is quite into Diego these days and Z absolutely adores all things Dora and since Diego lives in the rainforest and Dora often adventures there, it was a perfect plan. What made the deal even sweeter was the fact that our church's VBS theme in July was Sonquest Rainforest. This meant we had a whole lot of cool decorations to borrow for the party! We also decided to have the party out at Pake and Beppe's lake place which made the adventure extra special! So, the night before the party, we attempted to transform their house into a rainforest, complete with trees, vines, animals and other tropical decor.The day of the party turned out to be a beautiful fall day - a little too cool for going in the lake, though, so we were super excited that Pake and Beppe decided to surprise the kids and rented a ginormous bounce house that also happened to have a slide. What's more, it was a jungle themed bounce house and let me tell you, it was a hit!

In addition to the bounce house, we played a couple of games, including Pin the Bracelet on Dora and Diego's Animal Rescue Hunt.
We also served Dora and Diego themed food, including Dora and Diego Dogs, Bobo Brothers Brats and Swiper BurgersBoots KabobsMap Munchiesand Vine Veggies.I think we also had Baby Jaguar Juice boxes but I forgot to take a picture of those :)

After supper, the kids were blessed with many generous gifts to open.One gift was especially special :)
And we ended the night with cupcake cakes and ice cream.

Thanks so much to all of our family and friends who joined us for the adventure. T and Z had an "awesome" day (that's their word)! They are blessed to be loved by each and every one of you!


Anonymous said...

WHAT A GREAT BLOG!!! What a great weekend. Another huge THANK YOU to Dennis and Karen for their generous gift of allowing the entire Levang clan to spend so much precious time together. Michael and Stacy, the party was wonderful! Dennis and Karen - you are wonderful hosts! We love you guys! JoAnn

Rob and Carrie said...

Wow! What a party! That looked like so much fun.