"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, September 13, 2010

More From the Birthday Weekend

It was a definite treat that the entire Levang clan came to the kids' birthday party but what made the experience even greater was that they made a whole weekend of it. That's right, the entire family stayed out at the lake on Saturday night (and Pake and Beppe too) which allowed the fun to continue into Sunday. We spent part of the day just hanging out and relaxing outside.....Z took the opportunity to teach cousin A how to make silly faces for the camera...."Here, A. I'll show you how it is done.""First you stick your fingers in your mouth.""Then you make sure to stick out your tongue.""Perfect! You've got it!"When making silly faces and taking rides in the wagon just wasn't enough, Michael decided to try out an idea given to us by my Uncle Gary and Aunt Joan. He gave kids (young and old) sled rides behind Pake's new lawn mower. After all, it was too cool for tubing and wakeboarding, so why not bring the fun of the lake onto the land :)

Actually, I think Auntie Jennifer summed it up best when she said, "You know you're a redneck when......." Seriously, though, it was fun!

Later in the afternoon, the entire gang ventured to the State Fair. As you might recall, this was our second trip to the Great Get Together. We did and saw a lot. Take a look!It was a great weekend!And I mean it!

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