"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, September 07, 2009

OH - What FUN!

Continuing on our blog catch-up trail..........

After being home for less than a week from Bible Camp, we headed out on a different adventure. Well, actually, we headed out on some separate adventures. Michael took off to CO on a bus with the youth for the National Convention at the YMCA of the Rockies. He had a great trip. At the prospect of being home alone with the kiddos for a week, I decided that we, too, would head out on our own adventure. The first leg of our trip found us on a short flight to Chicago to Pake and Beppe's house. T enjoyed the flight tremendously (as you might recall) and was mesmerized by the flags, flags and more flags that greeted us upon our arrival at O'Hare.After a couple of nights at P and B's, we loaded up Pake's car and headed out on a road trip to OH - destination.....the Cranium House! We've visited Columbus before but this was our first trip since their move there a year ago, so it was a lot of fun to see their home and just hang out. T enjoyed swinging on the "big swing" at G1 and G2's Grandpa and Grandma C's house (he's enjoyed it on previous trips as seen here, here, and here) - though now it is a double big swing which meant that two could enjoy the ride at the same time!Another highlight was our evening on the Cranium's super sweet wakeboarding boat. In addition to simply enjoying the ride,splashing off the back,
and taking a dip,we were also entertained by Uncle C's prowess on the open waters (not to mention Auntie A's impressive driving skills).
Intermixed with a whole lot of playtime was this final highlight - a trip to a great little splash park where we let the kiddos run out some energy before piling back into Pake's car for our return trip home - this time all the way back to MN on land. We arrived home safely just in time for Little Miss Z's birthday bash, but that's another post :) For now, here are some shots from the splash park.

Thanks for a great week, Craniums! Can't wait to see you again real soon!


The Cranium House said...

We sure had fun reliving the good times we had with you. Thanks again for making the long trek to visit us!

Anonymous said...

Super CUTE!! Grams