"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Birthday Bonanza

This past weekend we had the wonderful priviledge of attending the birthday party of our niece, G. She turned four! As has become tradition, G's birthday bash was held at her grandparent's home in Columbus, OH. It may seem like a long ways to go for a birthday party, but we wouldn't miss it for the world! Our adventure began on Saturday evening when we flew out to Chicago. The flight went splendidly. There were many open seats so T was able to have his own spot between the two of us. He spent a good portion of the flight gazing out the window. Once we were safely on land, we were greeted by Pake and Beppe. After a good night's rest at their house, the five of us piled in the car for the 6-hour drive to Columbus. We love a good road trip! We arrived in Columbus Sunday evening and headed over to the Crane's house to check in with everyone. After another good night's sleep, this time in our hotel, we were ready for the party. Monday was spent celebrating G by eating tasty food, opening gifts, playing in the water, swinging....just an all around good time! The guys also helped out Mr. Crane by doing some home improvement projects outside. Fun was had by all! We flew out of Columbus on Tuesday evening. Our return trip was not quite as smooth as our arrival. A delayed flight in Columbus led to a missed connection in Chicago. We were booked on a later flight out of Midway and landed safely in MSP a couple of hours later than planned. All in all, we had a wonderful trip! We hope we can do it again next year! Happy Birthday, G!

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