"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Part III: A Perfect MT Wedding

Well, OK, before I actually get to the wedding, let me back up to the morning before the big day. Those of us girls that were blessed to be able to make the trip out for Kari's wedding were able to shower her with our love and gifts at a beautiful brunch Thursday morning. It was great!Now - on to the big day!

It was a picture perfect day at a picture perfect setting (the Broken Heart Ranch) for a very special MT girl :)

First, a couple of photos of "the girls" before the ceremony. Eight of the nine of our "Girls' Weekend" group was able to be there on the big day. We missed Casey a TON - she had a family wedding back in MN the same day.Now, on to the ceremony.

The lovely mother-of-the-bride.The lucky groom and the pastor (our own beloved Pastor Nick who also traveled from MN for the special day).And finally, the beautiful bride, escorted by her handsome brother.The flowers (done by Kari's mom) were breathtaking.As was this lovely lady :)On a side note, here's how Little Miss Z entertained herself during the ceremony.The happy couple - Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Kari McFarland!The reception was also held on the ranch and included a super tasty dinner followed by a scrumptious dessert tower, all of which were made by Kari (the desserts, that is, not the dinner). Well done! This in turn, was followed by T's favorite part of the evening (other than the horses that were grazing in a nearby pasture), the DANCE! The couple booked a super fun Bluegrass band and we had a grand old time kicking up our feet and dancing the night away.So there, you have it! Our epic MT road trip! It was fabulous! Thanks, Scott and Kari, for getting married! We were blessed to be a part of your day!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! That was beautiful, thanks for taking us on your trip with you... through pictures and wonderful commentary. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

GREAT PICS, so fun to share you adventures. I'm holding little S as I type. She's growing like a weed! Love to you, Mom L.