"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Part II: Out and About In and Around The Mountains

Our first night up in Big Sky, we bunked in with TR1, TR2 and Sweet P at their time- share condo in the resort of Big Sky. We had a good time exploring that area, as well as just hanging out with them, too.

It was fun to tromp around the resort. TR1 and Big T had a good heart-to-heart before bedtime that evening.And Little Miss Z thoroughly enjoyed her mountain view the next morning at breakfast.How is it that we had to travel so far to spend some quality time with a family who lives mere blocks from our home? Thanks for letting us occupy your second bedroom for the night, guys! We had a great time with you!

On Wednesday morning, we headed just a mile or so up the road to our home for the rest of the week - a beautiful mountain lodge built and owned by the father and father-in-law of our good friends, David and Becky. Mr. Loyd was so kind and generous to let six couples/families use his unbelievable home. Here are a few pics of the place. It's absolutely gorgeous and provided an awesome place for all of us who had traveled from great distances (MN, WA, FL and SD) to reconnect, laugh and create great new memories.After unloading and getting settled, we headed out on a hike with our friends the Brockmeier's. We went to a beautiful spot called Ousel Falls. It was a wonderfully kid-friendly hike. Big T did a great job keeping up with the adults the entire way. Of course, he did find some things to keep him entertained along the way - like this super fuzzy caterpillar (who in fact hiked in T's hand for quite awhile until T decided to put him back into his natural habitat).He also thought this bare tree top was kind of interesting - he said it looked like a big drum stick.We stopped and enjoyed a picnic lunch along the way.And then made it to the end of the trail and the grand finale of the hike - the falls!Thanks for a great hike, Brockmeier's! Again, we shouldn't have to travel thousands of miles to spend such fun times together when we live only 30 minutes from each other :)

One other morning during our stay, we headed out on a different hike with The Loyd's and TR1. The company was grand and the scenery fantastic.Here's T hiking with his new buddy, C. These two, though they live an entire country away from each other, became kindred spirits of sorts - not only because their mamas are great friends and former roomies, but also because they share an intense passion for drumming.Their daddies set up a makeshift drum set out on the deck of the lodge so that they could get their drumming in while away from their own personal sets :)

So, there you have it. That's how we spent our non-wedding time out in MT. Which brings me to the reason we trekked out there in the first place. The WEDDING!!!

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