"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Day 6 - Fourth of July Mountain High

Hey people! Happy Independance Day! We have enjoyed another great day here in the mountains. It's a super place to celebrate the Fourth of July!As I told you yesterday, this morning my Daddy hiked a 14er with his friends, Isaac and Joy. They left extremely early from our condo before Mommy and I were even awake. Here's a picture of the mountain that they climbed. It's named Mt. Quandary.
Here's another picture of the mountain at the start of the trail. It sure is pretty, isn't it? God did a real good job when he made this place.
I know it might seem crazy but there is still snow up on this mountain. Snow in July!? Crazy! And as you can see, it's still pretty deep in some places. My daddy found that out the hard way.
Here's a picture of Daddy and Isaac at the peak of the mountain. Elevation - 14, 265 feet. Now that is high! Daddy said the view from the top was AWESOME! Joy made it to the top, too. She was the photographer for this photo.
After the three hikers descended the mountain, Mommy and I met them for lunch at the Dam Brewery in Dillon. (Please note - I am not using inappropriate language. That's just the name of the restaurant). We had a tasty lunch and then went back to the condo. Isaac and Joy had to head back to the Springs around supper time. It was super fun to meet them! Joy even gave me an American flag that she got on the mountain. Thanks, Joy! Tonight, Daddy, Mommy and I headed back into Dillon for some Fourth of July festivities. There was a great band playing at the amphitheater by the lake. I danced a jig or two. What's more, I got to throw rocks into the lake. WOW!
There were also lots of sailboats out on the water. Mommy took a picture of one. I think they are super cool because their sails look like flags!
We had planned on staying for the fireworks display over the lake but I was getting pretty sleepy so we decided to head home before the show. This fresh mountain air really wears a guy out! Hope you all enjoyed your Independance Day celebrations, too! Talk to you tomorrow!


Family said...

We have enjoy reading your blog because you are in one of our favorite places. In fact, we were there with Stacy's parents a few years ago. We hiked along a ridge where you can see Frisco, Breckenridge, and Keystone as you walk. It's a great place - we were sad not to be there over the 4th. Last year we watched the fireworks in Frisco from our deck. Have a great time!!! Vic and Marilyn

The Normals said...

I hope you enjoyed the taste of Mountain Dew at the top.