"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Day 7 - My Final Day in Keystone

Hey people! T here. Well, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end and so it is with my vacation in Keystone. Today was our last full day here so we really had to whoop it up. As such, this is a blog of epic proportions. Watch out! We started off our morning with another hike. This time we drove over to a nearby town called Frisco and hiked the Old Dillon Reservoir Trail. Since I've been in the mountains for a few days now, I knew what was in store for me so I was more than ready to get started.
This time, I started out doing my own hiking rather than riding. I guess Mommy and Daddy figured they would get me good and tired out so that I was ready and willing to sit in my pack. It worked!
During the first portion of the hike, we had a great view of Lake Dillon. The town that you see in the photo below is Frisco. It's a quaint little place. Mommy had been there before on one of her Girls' Weekends and my Pake and Beppe have traveled there, too. Now I can be on the list of visitors to Frisco!
After a little bit, the trail turned and we headed up a bit higher. We ended up at the Old Dillon Reservoir. Quick history note - the Old Dillon Reservoir was built in the 1930s to supply water to the original town of Dillon, which is now covered by the Lake Dillon Reservoir (pictured above and often called Lake Dillon). Even though it's the old reservoir, I thought it was really great! It was the perfect spot for one of my favorite hobbies - throwing rocks. I have to admit, I've never thrown rocks in a location quite like this before. It's going to be tough to beat!We even managed to take a family photo on the hike. Don't let the slight scowl on my face fool you. I was having the time of my life (I just didn't want to stop throwing rocks to take my picture). The mountain that you see in the background is called Buffalo Mountain. My Daddy climbed this mountain a few years ago when my parents were out here on a pre-T vacation for their friend's wedding.
All the hiking and rock throwing wore me out so I was more than willing to ride on Daddy's back on our return trip down the trail. I guess I even took a little snooze.After our hike, we headed back to the condo for lunch. While I napped, Daddy went mountain biking again, but this time he took the chair lift up to the top of the mountain. On his way up, it started to rain but he didn't seem to mind. The rain did put a bit of a damper on his afternoon biking plans, but he did manage to get two runs down the mountain. The second ride was really a doozy. He decided to tackle a Double Black Diamond. I don't know for sure what that means but I do know that Daddy was SUPER muddy when he came home. See for yourself. Here he is from the front - waist up.From the front - waist down.
And, of course, from the rear.Whoa! Dirty! I can't wait until I can go with him on these biking trips and get muddy just like him! After supper, we walked all around our little village and visited the stream that runs through it. My mommy took a picture of the babbling brook for my Beppe. She really loves them. Because of the afternoon showers, this brook really had a lot to say!So, there you have it (if you're still with me, that is) - my final day in Keystone. It was great! I hope you have enjoyed your trip to the mountains with me. I know I certainly have. I already told my parents that I want to come back here real soon. However, I guess this adventure is not quite done yet. Tomorrow we are heading to Denver for the night. We are going to visit some of Mommy and Daddy's good friends from college. One of the couples just had a little baby girl so we are super excited to meet her! Stay tuned!


Candis Berge said...

Great to follow along every day. Thank you! And the family photo is outstanding. Worthy of a Christmas card!

Henrik and Carrie said...

The Bjorndahls are signing up to join you on your next trip to Keystone! What an awesome experience you have had!