"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Day 5 - My First Mountain Hike

Hey people! T here. So today was my second full day in the mountains and I am really loving it here! There is so much to see and do! Today we decided to hit the trails for my first real climb. We hiked up a trail on Tenderfoot Mountain. It was kind of like hiking in MN except we were up a lot higher, the climb was much steeper and we were surrounded by mountains!
I started out the hike riding in my trusty Kelty. I was pretty content in there for a bit but then I decided that I wanted to walk the trail on my own two legs. After some persuasion, Dad and Mom agreed to the idea.It was hard work walking up that mountain. Daddy gave me one of his trekking poles to help me out. He made it just my size. It helped me out a lot.
Mommy helped me along the way, too. She held my hand and made sure that I stayed put on the trail. She said she didn't want me tumbling down the mountain.
I had to stop every once in awhile and take a little break. My legs had never done hiking like this before. Somewhere along the trail, Mommy found a rock for me to rest on. Truthfully, it wasn't very comfortable but I appreciated the gesture.
Here's a photo of Mommy and me along our hike. The big batch of water that you see below is called Lake Dillon. It sure looked cool from up above!
On the way back down, I decided I was ready to ride in the backpack again. I was pooped! When we reached the end of the trail, Daddy and I celebrated! I successfully completed my first mountain hike!After such an adventurous morning, I was ready for lunch and a nap. When I woke up, we hit the pool. Here's a photo of Dad and me enjoying the water.We ended our day with some tasty supper and relaxation. Mom and Dad's good friends, Joy and Isaac, arrived right before my bedtime. They're going to hike a 14er tomorrow morning with Daddy. I guess 14,ooo feet is a little too high for me so Mom and I are going to hang out just the two of us while they are gone. Then we'll all celebrate the Fourth of July together. I can't wait! But for now, good night from Keystone!

1 comment:

Candis Berge said...

Great report! It sure looked like a wonderful day.