"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Day 3 - On The Road Again

We bid farewell to our friends, the Egge's, this morning and thanked them for providing us with such an enjoyable time in the Hills. T and A gave each other a nice little squeeze and T even received a cute little peck on the cheek. Thanks again, you guys! We had a great time!
Our kingly driver navigated us right out of the great state of SD and into the state of Wyoming. T had fun spotting herds of cattle out the window. He also kept himself occupied throughout the 8 hour journey by coloring, singing, reading books, waving flags and a Baby Einstein flick. Thankfully, he also snoozed for about an hour on this leg of our trip.
We were thankful to be staying cool in the comfort of our air conditioned vehicle as today proved to be another scorcher. Check out that temperature reading! We actually saw it climb to 103 but I was otherwise occupied at that point in time and was not able to capture the high on camera.
Following our trek through Wyoming, we reached the state of our final destination - COLORADO!!!! After a quick drive through Denver, we ascended into the mountains and arrived safely at our home for the week, Keystone Resort. The mountains are as majestic as we remembered them. After settling in and eating supper, we didn't have much time to explore. We are all pretty tuckered out from our day of travel. So, off to bed we go, eagerly anticipating a day of fun tomorrow!


Henrik and Carrie said...

We are so glad to hear the trip is going well for T!!! Wish we could be taking in the mountains with you! Don't they just scream God's majesty!!

Blessings on your trip!

Candis Berge said...

Great to keep up on your vacation! Thanks for posting!