"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Day 2 - Story Book Island and more.....

Hey people!! Day 2 of our big adventure has come to a close and it has been a great one. This morning we headed out with the Egge's to a great park called Story Book Island. My dad was pretty excited because he had been to this park when he was a little kid and now he was going to bring me to the same place. Way cool! My friend A and I had lots of fun exploring all of the story scenes.Here we are hanging out in Yogi Bear's big yellow basket.And here we are just frolicking in the grass.One of my favorite story spots was "101 Dalmations". There were SO MANY puppies. I also managed to find the yellow brick road.....And I was so excited, I just had to get my groove on!Along the way, I also stopped to call and check in with Mrs. Tricia. She said everything back home was just dandy. I also listened to my messages and returned a few important calls.My mom took this photo for her good friend, Mrs. Becky, who has a real thing for mini goats. I think they are quite wonderful myself. This one's for you, Mrs. Becky!My dad had a great time at Story Book Island, too. He said it was just like he remembered. Only this time, he was a little big for some of the activities.
He didn't let that stop him from exploring though. He found some pretty crazy nooks and crannies.
It was a super hot day today so we were all more than ready to cool off and eat some lunch after our morning outing. Then, after some much needed napping and some more playing, followed by some supper, we headed outside for a little fun in the backyard. My friend A has a really cool car and she invited me to join her for a ride.
After assessing the situation a bit more closely, I determined that her invitation was a great idea.
So I crawled right in.
It was a tight squeeze but we didn't really mind. We sure are great pals.
Little E had a fun time today, too. He was all smiles and seemed pretty content to just take in all the action. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hooray for mini goats!