"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Day 4 - My First Mountain Adventure

Hey people! T here. So today was my first full day in the mountains and let me tell you, they are great! Here's how our day went down.

This morning, I was so excited to get going that I woke my parents up at the crack of dawn - well, 6:15 AM, which is about 2 hours earlier than I normally wake up. I just couldn't wait to get started! We decided that we would take our bikes out for a spin to get a feel for the place. But before we could head out, I needed to get myself hydrated.
With Blue Dog in hand, I was ready to go.
I felt extra cool wearing my own red backpack, just like my Daddy!
I helped mom and dad out by pushing the buttons in the elevator. We needed to head down to the underground parking place to get our bikes. Once I was hooked up and buckled in, away we went! Here's a picture of me and my dad near the start of our ride. I'm in the trailer. I ride in style!
We zoomed all along this really neat trail that followed the Snake River. There was so much to see! Mom and I stopped for a photo on one of the bridges that crosses over the river. I liked these bridges. They were nice and bumpy. Biking near the mountains can really wear a guy out. In fact, I konked out in my trailer on our way back about a half hour from our condo.
The rest of our day we explored the village that we are staying in. Here's a view of part of the village from the balcony of our condo.
Daddy did some "real" mountain biking while I took my afternoon nap and then we swam in a super fun pool right by the mountain. It was great! I'll have to show you pictures of that tomorrow. We finished the evening with dinner out at some place called the Kickapoo. It was tasty. I'm off to bed! See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Candis Berge said...

Great update! I sort of feel like I'm going on vacation with you. I would choose to ride with Titus though instead of pedaling... is there room?