"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Something's Missing

Last evening, what 16 years of basketball, 6 years of football, 16 years of softball and baseball, almost 6 years of marriage, 7 years of teaching middle school, traversing 4 continents and conquering 6 14er's could not accomplish was achieved with one swift head butt from a rockin' 21-month-old T. What is this feat, you may ask?

Nothing less than the dismantling of M's pearly whites and award winning smile.
That's right. Last night, while hosting our youth group in our home, T's dancing got a little out of hand during a rowdy game of Guitar Hero and his precious little head made quite an impression on his daddy's chompers. As a result of the blow, one of M's "pretend teeth" (as I like to call them) catapulted right out of his mouth and found a new home on our living room floor. All in front of an audience of junior high and high schoolers. Priceless.

T's blow was completely unintentional. Simply the result of a kid who loves to ROCK!

No need to worry. M was seen promptly this morning by our dear friend, Dr. Dalseth, who kindly restored M's mouth back to its gapless state. This is definitely one for the baby book!

1 comment:

Rob and Carrie said...

That's a good look for you, Michael! Loved the b'day pics, too.