"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Six Years Ago This Day...

we welcomed this little bundle into our lives. 
Life has never been the same :).

One year later, he had grown into this sweet little man.
On his second birthday, our love for him grew more and more.
And by the time he was three, his contagious laughter rarely ceased to fill our home.
In his fourth year, T continued to turn our lives upside down.
Then he entered into his fifth year with great fanfare.
And now, today, he slides into being six with great excitement and anticipation of what this year will hold (starting kindergarten will be first on his list)!
With great joy, we celebrated these six years of living life together.
T, I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that today you are SIX!  Time has gone by so quickly.  How I love your silly sense of humor, your inquisitive nature, your endless imagination and creativity, and the constant rhythm that courses through your insides :).  I love the way that you have started to drum a beat while you pray at bedtime, creating your own little psalm each night, asking God to make you a mighty warrior for Him.  How I pray that this will be so......and oh, how I pray that you will be strong and courageous and that your heart might be fully captured by Jesus.  I love you, T!  Happy Birthday!  


Anonymous said...

PRICELESS POST!! What precious parents you are to our wonderful grandchildren!! Thank you. We LOVE YOU, T.

Rob and Carrie said...

Good gracious! How can you be 6 already, T?! So fun to see how you've grown. Looks like another great b'day!