"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Start of A New Adventure

When you live in a house where both parents work in the public school system, the day after Labor Day is always a big day.  However, today was an even bigger day because today marked T's first day of kindergarten (though technically his first full day will be tomorrow).  Today, I got to accompany him for a shortened version of his day.  And because T is attending the school I work at, I had the privilege of being the teacher who got to open the door to my mom's car when she dropped him off and say, "Good morning!  Welcome to Parkview!"

 We spent the morning helping him get a bit more acclimated to his classroom and his teacher.  We put away his tool box and all of his supplies and found his "locker".  He was able to meet the rest of his "kindergarten team" as his teacher calls them - the kids who, prayerfully, will become his friends over the course of the school year (only about half of them are pictured below). 
We went on a scavenger hunt around the school so he could find important places, like the bathroom, the drinking fountain, the office and the library :)  His classmates sang Happy Birthday to him and his teacher gave him a birthday crown.  All in all, I think he liked it - though tonight he definitely was feeling a bit nervous about going on his own tomorrow.  After talking through with him some of the things that had him worried, he then was able to fall asleep.  And so tonight I pray that he will begin this next adventure in his career as a learner with as much excitement and enthusiasm as he ended his preschool career with last spring.  I pray that he will be kind and that others will, in turn, be kind to him.  I pray that he will have fun and that his love for school and learning will continue to develop and grow.  I pray that he will be confident and that he'll remember that the Lord, his God, will be with him wherever he goes.  And I pray that I will not cry when I drop him off with his teacher tomorrow :)  


Anonymous said...

Precious, Stacy. You are a wonderful Mother to our precious grandson. Thank you. We are praying for all of you, for your Mom and Dad too - we want Denny in MN FULL-TIME. Love to all of you -(I have tears in my eyes - did you cry?)

The Cranium House said...

Hope you had a great day and have an awesome school year, T! Can't believe you're a kindergartner already! Grant's preschool teacher gave each mom a goody bag which included a pack of tissues. I used just a couple :o)