"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hangin' Out At The Lake

My family vacation extravaganza update continues......

Much of our time spent together was simply hanging out outside at the lake.  Here are some snapshots of what it looks like when twelve or so people (and two pups) invade Pake and Beppe's backyard/backlake :).
There was definitely A LOT of playing.

Some chatting.
And even some relaxing :)

All of the above were wonderful!


Rob and Carrie said...

Such cute pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful time together. Love that one of Amy and the water gun!

Anonymous said...

It is fun just to imagine all the fun you must have had. The last picture makes me wonder if your parents might still be sitting on that bench recovering. Marilyn

The Cranium House said...

Thanks for sharing all the fun pics! We had a great time and we miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the pics, Stacy. It was such a fun time wasn't it... can we do it again next week?? I miss everyone like crazy! Bepps