"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rookie Camp: Week 3

This past Saturday brought along the third week of Rookie Camp for T.  Because it was the third and final rotation for this group of stations, he only cycled through two different drills this go around.  Here's what was on tap.

Station One: Batting Practice (without the T)
 The second part of this drill was teaching the kids how to turn when a pitch actually comes at their body - they are supposed to turn their back to the ball.  T was successful.  Oh, and just in case you were concerned about child safety - they used wiffle balls for this drill.

Station 2: The Game
Patiently waiting their turns on the bench
 I loved seeing all of their dangling little feet.
 Batter Up
 Waiting at first
 A high-five at home plate
 Once in the outfield, the campers used soft mitts rather than traditional mitts.  It's supposed to help them learn to scoop and catch the ball (I think).

 Chasing a hit
 Checking out his unusual mitt
 Ready Position
 Sneaking in a slide between batters :)
 Talking over their game plan
 Game Over.  Time for snack!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VERY CUTE! T, your body positioning is impressive!! Great run for the snacks, too.