"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Make A Joyful Noise

This past Saturday afternoon and evening, we headed out to the Joyful Noise Family Fest with our good friends, the Davis', for some awesome fun and music.  The annual event is sponsored by our local Christian radio station.  And boy, oh boy, did we have a blast!  For starters, there was a huge field filled with most any type of inflatable bounce house, obstacle course and/or climbing structure you could imagine.  It was a big hit with the kiddos for sure.  I was only able to capture this little lady on camera - the boys were just too quick :)
She also managed to snag this cute face painting for the day.
In addition to the inflatables and other activities, the main event was truly the music.  Inside the outdoor stadium, there were various concerts going on throughout the day.  The three of us ladies took a break from the inflatable action and enjoyed listening to Laura Story (Mighty To Save and Blessings are two of my favorites).  But I think it is fair to say that the highlight for our whole clan was Go Fish.  They are hands down the favorite kid band in our house and it was SO FUN to see them in person. Here we are, anxiously awaiting the start of their show.....
GO FISH!!!!!!!!
The kiddos danced, clapped and sang their little hearts out.
It was such a GREAT day with GREAT friends and GREAT music - a truly joyful noise indeed!

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