"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Play Ball

We had a special visitor this weekend for Father's Day.  Grandpa!!!  He came down for the Back-To-The-Fifties Car Show while Grandma was on a "girls only getaway" up north.  After he accompanied T and I to t-ball (aka Rookie Camp) yesterday morning while Michael and Little Miss Z went to the Father/Daughter breakfast at church,
we treated him to a Father's Day trip to Target Field last night. And we had a grand old time doing it! Check it out!

The first 10,000 fans got Twins Cowboy hats (sponsored by WeFest).  Turns out we were one of the chosen so we all sported a little bit of country :).  After a pretty rainy afternoon, the waterworks finally took a break right before the opening pitch and we thankfully enjoyed a very pleasant evening.  The kids did great and had a lot of fun watching all of the action.  T told me he wants to marry me some day - this after watching a couple get engaged on the big screen during the game (a favorite memory for me).  And to top it all off, the Twins won!!!  Yeehaw!  Thanks for coming, Grandpa!  We had a blast with you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT PICTURES. Grandpa says a huge THANK YOU. He had a GREAT time!!!