"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, May 01, 2011

A Simply Sweet Bedtime

On nights (like tonight) when Michael is away at bedtime, I have started changing up our typical bedtime routine. Instead of going through our bedtime prayers/songs/tuck-in routine with each child individually, as we typically do when there are two parents and two kids, I have recently begun having both kids crawl into one of their beds and the three of us do our routine together, after which they are then tucked-in to their individual resting spots.

Some nights, a whole lot of goofiness sets in and in the end I have two wound up kids and one slightly frustrated mom (think two kids jumping on the bed and prayers said in silly voices - which is then followed a gentle reprimand about how important it is to show respect to God when we are praying). Other nights it simply is just not pleasant ("She touched me," "He bumped me," "I'm too squished!"). And then sometimes there are nights like tonight, when: sweet words + sweet voices = just what this slightly tired and a little bit weary mama needed to hear. And so, in an effort to not forget nights like tonight but rather be reminded of how God knows just what we need, when we need it, I am writing down what happened at bedtime tonight.

T's prayer: "Dear Jesus, Thank you for my family. Thank you for my friends. Please heal Daddy's foot. Please heal Mommy's headache. Help me to make good choices and help me do the things that I need to do in my life. Amen."

Z's prayer: "Dear Jesus, Thank you for my brother, Titus. Please make Daddy's foot better again. Please heal mommy's headache. Thank you for my ballet slippers. I really want to give my ballet slippers that are too small to Sylvie. Amen."

After their prayers, I sing a little song to each of them about how special they are. Most often, it is just me singing to each of them. But tonight, Z joined me in singing to T, telling him how special he is. This was followed by T singing with me, declaring to Z how special she is. We conclude our singing with "Jesus Loves Me." Z often sings along with me but T often chooses to just listen. However, tonight both of them joined in with me for a rousing (but respectful) rendition of the song :). I then tucked Z in and as T and I left her room, he said, "Good night, Zoe. Sweet dreams."

Such a simply sweet end to our day. Just what this heart of mine needed, exactly when I needed it.


Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...


Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS. Important to record - they will love reading it someday. You are a very special daughter-in-law and a wonderful mother to my sweet grandchildren. Thank you, Lord, for Stacy. JL