"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Celebrations!

What a great day we had today, celebrating our risen Savior! Our day started off early, with a quick photo shoot (and I mean quick) of T and Z before heading out the door.Our first stop was our church (which included a yummy breakfast hosted by our youth, an egg hunt for the kiddos and a great worship service). This was followed by our second destination - the home of our good friends, the Berge's, where a bunch of other great friends were also gathered. The afternoon started off with some playing and definite enjoyment of the sunny skies and mild temperatures!This was followed by a very yummy Easter dinner.
With full tummies, a very enthusiastic bunch of kids headed back outside for the much anticipated egg hunt in the backyard.The two big boys decided to join forces.And for a little while, the two little boys,as well as the two little girls, followed suit.Some eggs were easy to find.
Others required a bit more assistance.
Once all of the eggs had been hunted, we attempted to gather the troops for a group photo.They quickly then began assessing the fruits of their labor.We concluded the afternoon with some creatively yummy desserts.
It was a day filled with fun, friends, food, and sunshine, centered around the One who conquered the grave! What a great, GREAT day!


Candis Berge said...

All the pictures were so cute, but my favorite had to be Z on the swing - pink skirt and shoes are all you can see. Too adorable! And the princess fast asleep in her car seat.. that was precious too. Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Great pics and great to see you guys for a short visit yesterday. Grandma

Jill K said...

Great pics of all the fun and cuteness!! And I love the new look... especially the new name for your blog!
love to you dear Levangs!

Jill K said...

Great pics of all the fun and cuteness!! And I love the new look... especially the new name for your blog!
love to you dear Levangs!