"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Reason #1: Preschool Finale

The first reason that Wednesday was a big day at our house was because it marked the end of T's preschool career. With tears in my eyes I dropped him off at Hosanna! Preschool Wednesday morning for the last time. He has spent the last two years there and it has been such a GREAT place for him (and for us). We have loved his teachers, as has he, and it has been so fun to watch him grow as a student, a classmate, a friend, and most importantly, a child of God. We got to go to his classroom for the last part of the morning and have a "farewell friends" party. It was bittersweet. Here he is enjoying his ice cream treat.And Little Miss Z enjoyed hers as well.Here's T with one of the boys from his class named Britton. These two have become good friends this year and we have already made plans to have some summer playdates because T could hardly bear to not see him anymore. The teachers often commented to me and Britton's mom that T and B were "such good friends" and raved about the creations that the two would build with the foam blocks at free choice :) Here's another little boy that we heard a lot about this year, Matt. T was impressed with how fast he could run and the two have a shared love for Legos :)Here is a shot of all of the boys from the Sunshine Room this year. And here are the two lovely ladies who I think had their work cut out for them managing this silly group!

Mrs. Best (she really was the best)
Mrs. Trygstad
Mrs. Trygstad has been T's teacher for the past two years and she truly holds a special spot in my heart. She always had a kind smile and a gentle hug for the kids just when they needed it. She understood T's cautious and observant nature and gave him the time he needed to adjust and feel comfortable, while at the same time gently nudged him a bit out of his comfort zone. And once he came into his own, she had a genuine appreciation for his silly little heart :) We will miss both of these amazing women. But......

Hopefully, our paths will cross again in a little over a year when this little lady makes her way to Hosanna! Preschool. She's already quite comfortable in the Sunshine Room......

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