"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, February 05, 2011

All In A Days Work (or should I say PLAY)

We scored the Passport to Play from the library this week so we headed to the Children's Museum for a little bit o' fun this morning. As if free passes weren't enough of a treat, we were extra excited because the new Lego Castle exhibit opened up today - a big thrill for our Lego lover, T. It was no surprise, then, that the Lego room was the first stop on our journey.

Meeting one huge Lego dragon
Taking a ride down the castle slide.
Checking out some of the super cool Lego displays - a Lego maze
and a most impressive castle.
Building with the JUMBO Legos.
Trying out the virtual catapult - You designed your own castle wall via computer which then showed up on a large screen after which you launched the catapult to see how strong your wall was.
And building their own castles.
Throughout the rest of the museum, the kids had a great time filling the shoes of quite a few different occupations - check it out!

FOREST RANGERS: Exploring the woodchuck's den
Along with the beaver's dam.
BIOLOGIST: Taking care of the frogs and other stream creatures
MASTER LEGO BUILDERS: We learned today that there really is such a job!
RESTAURANT CRITIC: Taste testing some Korean cuisine
GROCERY STORE CLERKS: Paper or plastic?
US POSTAL WORKERS: Speedy delivery!
And finally, ENTERTAINERS: You'll notice that only one is really "entertaining".

All in a day's PLAY!

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