"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

T's Special Day

T had his special day at preschool today. What a treat! If you've been around our blog for awhile, you might remember that he also had a special day last year at preschool. If you feel like reminiscing, you can check it out here.

Just to recap, each child at T's school gets a "special day" in which they have various responsibilities and privileges that they think are pretty special. In addition, on their special day, the child's family is invited in for the last half-hour or so of the school morning to catch a glimpse of what goes on when they are at school. You also get to bring in a special snack for the class and your parent gets to read a favorite book of the child's to the class. The kids also sing a special song for the special student (you can here it on last year's post) and the student gets to pick out a prize from a special treasure chest. Quite a day! This year's special day had a new twist to it because it also happened to be Pajama Day at school - so you might notice that the kiddos and teachers are pretty comfy in the photos and video :).

When we first got there, T and his classmates were reenacting the nursery rhyme, "Hey Diddle Diddle". Here's a little snippet of that.

We also got to watch T lead calendar time. He did a super job!His friends (and little sister) enjoyed the mini cupcakes he selected for snack.And we ended the day with the reading of his selected book. He chose "I Took My Frog to the Library" (a current favorite that he has checked out from the library right now). In the story, a little girl brings all kinds of silly animals with her to the library and the book tells the tale of the mess that the animals make. T had created his own version of the book to share with his classmates, along with the original version of the story. Michael read the book to the class which made it extra fun :)

Thanks for a super special day, T! We totally agree that you are SPECIAL!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VERY CUTE, and yes, T, you are SPECIAL!! Grandma