"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Tale of Perrito

Z has quite the imagination and when she is playing, she can come up with some of the most unusual and quite entertaining scenarios. Here's an example from today...

Z's clothes hamper was sitting empty outside of her room as I had just brought her dirty clothes down to the laundry room but had not yet returned the hamper to her closet. It had only been there a few minutes when Z came to me with this story.

"I'm pushing my puppy in this cart. My puppy's name is Perrito*. We're going to Toys 'R Us to buy Perrito some Playmobil."

* This means puppy in Spanish - thanks, Dora!

She proceeded to "push" Perrito down the hall in his cart like this (mind you, this girl does own a play shopping cart but I guess she was thinking outside of the box today. Either that or she just wanted a little work out).Upon her "return", Z told me that Swiper (thanks again, Dora) was at Toys 'R Us dressed up in a snowman costume and that he was trying to swipe the Playmobil toys she was buying for Perrito. So, instead of the toys, she bought Perrito some milk, a bone and a leash.

"Look inside. See them, mommy?""Yep, I sure do Zoe."

Do you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SUPER CUTE!!!! Love the imagination - yes, I see it too! Grandma