"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Gaalswyk Christmas

OK - moving on to the BIG day (and those days surrounding it)!

It was such a treat to have my whole family "home for the holidays". Michael and Curt did a great job putting together a video of much of the fun that we had (which was posted a few weeks ago). But I thought I would add a few still shots to the mix, too. Here they are!

We had lots of fun playing out in all of the snow (two whoops for the snowiest December on record)! The frozen lake, along with the hill in the backyard leading down to it, proved to be great entertainment.
When the kids weren't outside, they kept themselves busy with other activities....like building this super fabulous Gingerbread Mansion.Truth be told, these two kiddos did the bulk of the decorating.....
G1's front:
T's front:
G1's side:T's side:
And of course, there were gifts to open :)And finally, just some shots of the gang.What a great Christmas! Z asks if we can "have Christmas at Pake and Beppe's again" at least once a week even now....if only we could!

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