"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Many Faces of T and Z (and their 5 and 2 year well-check check in)

The kiddos both had their well-checks last week (I like to wait to schedule them a bit so that we can get their flu shots done at the same time). Both had great reports from the doctor and for my own record keeping purposes, I wanted to enter their statistics on the blog. I intermixed the stats with some fun shots that I took a week or so ago to hopefully spice up the post for my loyal readers :) So here goes!

T endured his 5-year visit better than expected. He doesn't mind going to visit Dr. Mary at all but he does not like shots. And this visit brought with it his kindergarten boosters so he left with 3 pokes in the arms and the flu mist up his nose. Poor guy! He really did do well though, only shedding some tears with the third poke and recovering quite quickly with the promise of an ice cream treat on the way home :) Here are his 5-year numbers:

Height: 47 1/2 inches (99th percentile)
Weight: 51 pounds (95th percentile)He continues to be a tall and healthy boy (not to mention pretty silly)!We love you, T!!!

Next comes Little Miss Z (who is not really little at all). She also had to have 3 pokes though hers went into her chubby little thighs. She showed apprehension for this visit which was the first time she has done so at the doctor's office. I guess she remembered what was coming. Overall, though, she did a great job, too, perking up at the end of her shots when the nurse gave her a cool rainbow sucker.Here are her 2-year stats:

Height: 38 1/4 inches (so far off the growth curve her doctor just laughed)
Weight: 32 pounds, 6 ounces (95th percentile)
Head: 19 1/4 inches (82nd percentile)She is one TALL GIRL! (she always has been but I kind of thought maybe she would have slowed down a little bit by now). We love you, Z!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness - toooooo PRECIOUS! The pics are great and the stats are too. So MUCH to be Thankful for! Have a great week. We love you guys!!! Grandma

Rob and Carrie said...

Great pics of two adorable kids!

Jill K said...

Levangs- I'm so happy you keep posting pics of your fantastic kids for us to enjoy! It's so fun to see them grow.... I wouldn't have guessed they were growing that much though- glad, you revealed it!

The pic at the top is the sweetest, sweetest, sweetest....

love and grace to you all, in Christ,