"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Totally Awesome Autumn

This has been one of the nicest autumns on record in my book. We have had 3 solid weeks of sunshine, blue skies and mild to down right warm temperatures. All of this to say, we have been loving it and are taking as many opportunities as we can to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Along that order, we decided to use Pake and Beppe's place and invited some friends down for a little barbecue and bonfire. The evening first started off with our friends, the B's, coming on down with their kayaks in tow. The kiddos enjoyed trying them out on shore.Then the daddies enjoyed taking them out for a spin on the lake.After that, some more friends joined us (the D's and the R's) and we all had fun just playing around in the backyard. Here's T and E stopping for a little rest in Pake's hammock.We then had a big ole' barbecue - our friends really know how to cook :) - followed by a bonfire with some s'mores. In my book, it was a perfect fall evening. Thanks for joining us!!!

1 comment:

Candis Berge said...

Oh, those pictures were extra fun because my little grandson was in them! Cute pictures! Such blessings, all those precious children!