"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Great MN Get-Together: Take I

As has become a summer tradition for our family, we headed out to the MN State Fair at the end of August. However, there were a few new elements to our visit this year. First off, we went on opening day, something we have never done before. It was a good experience. Second, little Miss Z was just tall enough to ride most of the rides on the Kiddy Midway. This made for a fun experience for the two kiddos.

The Mini Ferris Wheel

The Swings

The Climbing Maze (with a really big slide at the end)

We also paired some of our favorite traditions with new experiences. For example, we ate Sweet Martha cookies (a definite tradition) while watching some Appalachian cloggers (a new experience).In addition, we ate really big hot dogs (another tradition) while watching an English Horse Show (a new experience).We went to the Miracle Of Birth Center (another favorite past time) and saw a two hour old calf receive her first bottle.
We also witnessed the birth of a lamb (I opted to not take pictures of this most definitely new experience but it sure was cool)!

We also went in the Star Lab/planetarium type dome (never done that before), watched the parade (a for sure favorite) and left at the end of the day with some tuckered out kids (a given after any visit to the fair).We love the Great MN Get Together!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW - WHAT A DAY! Cute pics. Grandma