"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Big Move

If it seems like we have been a bit infrequent on the blogging front lately it's because we have been a tad preoccupied helping a couple of certain some ones move into their new home. We are so very excited that Pake and Beppe finally purchased their long sought after retirement home (though only one of them is currently retired) on a lake and we are even more excited that this home is only 30 minutes from our house. It has been quite a journey to get to this point but as we are helping them settle in, we are finding out that it was well worth the wait. Here are some pictures of what has happened to far.

It all started with some manual labor - unloading and then reloading the first batch of their possessions that had been stored in a POD ever since they sold their house in Chicago and moved into an apartment there last fall.** As you might have guessed, this first phase occurred on Wacky Hair Day. **

Then came the closing and tour of the new home. The kiddos really enjoyed running around in all the open spaces :)This was followed by the arrival of the big moving truck with the rest of their possessions that they had had in their apartment in Chicago.That was two weeks ago now and we have been busy ever since.....unpacking boxes, arranging and rearranging and then rearranging furniture again, crushing boxes, cleaning up beaches, doing yard work, throwing rocks into the lake and more.Of course, we have had lots of fun while doing it and have also taken time out to relax.
T even helped Pake put up the flag on the dock this past weekend which was a definite highlight for him.
I am certain that many more pictures will be coming from our visits to the lake. We are so very thrilled to be a part of it all!Welcome home, Pake and Beppe! Welcome home!


The Cranium House said...

We are SO VERY EXCITED to come visit we can hardly stand it!!! We are counting down the days. So glad you are all there to help :o)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much!! We are so happy to be here and so grateful for all your help!! P and B

Becky said...

How wonderful! I'm so excited for you and your parents.

Rob and Carrie said...

What a great place! I'm sure your kids will make lots of fun memories there!

Sara said...

Hurray! What a wonderful home ready to be the backdrop to so many family gatherings. What a beautiful location!

erinmarie said...

I can't wait to see it in person! Love you Mom and Dad!
Erin Marie