"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mommy and Me Day

Last Thursday at T's preschool was deemed Mommy and Me Day which meant that I, along with the moms of all of the other preschoolers, were able to spend the last hour of the school day with our kiddos. We were greeted outside of the classroom door with handmade corsages and name tags and were then ushered into the classroom where we had front row seats for a very special music program. Here are a few clips from the program.

Untitled from mslevang on Vimeo.

Jesus Loves Me from mslevang on Vimeo.

This was followed by a variety of centers that we completed as a pair, including having our picture taken together, scrapbooking a page for our picture, fixing puzzles, touring the art around the room, playing in the ice cream parlor and of course, the snack table. T actually made me a snack which was pretty cute and then served it to me. I also received a very special mother's day card that he made for me and was able to see the Mommy portrait he had created of me. It was a striking resemblance :) The portrait is still at school so I can't show it to you. Underneath the portraits, each of the kids had filled in some sentence starters about their moms.

Here's what mine said:

"My mom is beautiful when........she puts her clothes on." (Hold your comments please).

"My mom's favorite food is........meat." (Didn't know I was such a carnivore).

"One thing my mom really likes to do is.........play with me. We play marching bands."

"I really love my mom because........she gives me really big hugs." I love you, T! Thanks for a great day! ,


Lindsay Gietzen said...

"T" is such a ham! I love it. Really fun to see.

Anonymous said...

What GREAT singing - What a great gift for Mommy!! T, you are sooooo special. Grams