"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Those Pearly Whites

Though I am in the midst of quite possibly my biggest blog catch up ever, I thought I would post something that actually happened TODAY, too - you know, in case you are wondering if we are doing anything in the PRESENT and not just living in the PAST. Well, and also so I don't keep getting further and further behind. Anyway..........

Guess who had his first "official" visit to the dentist this morning?That's right! Big T did. T had been to our dental office once before, about 6 months ago, just so that he could watch me get my teeth cleaned and become a little familiar with the place. It seemed to have done the trick, because today, when it was his turn to take a ride in the chair (after having watched me have my appointment today, as well), he did a PHENOMENAL job! I was so proud of him. Here he is showing off his freshly and professionally cleaned pearly whites!And the best part of the visit (well, other than the fact that there were no tears, only smiles - and I guess if you ask T - the cool prizes he got to pick out when he was all done), the cavity count for today's visit......ZERO! For both of us :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW - No big deal for a 4 year old. We are SOOOOOO proud of you. Gramps and Grams!!!