"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Part I: The Road Trip

When planning our trip, we decided that we would rather take different routes coming and going just to spice the drive up a bit. So, on the way to MT, we ventured through SD, WY and then into MT. We returned home via MT, ND and then MN. All in all, we drove about 2600 miles and spent about 40 hours in the car (give or take a few). Here are some pics of how the kids spent their hours in the van.This being said, on day 1 of our trip, we headed south and then west and spent our first night in a hotel in Rapid City, SD.Before leaving Rapid City Monday morning, we decided to take in a little bit of the surrounding sites and visited Mt. Rushmore. T was quite impressed by the "big faces in the rocks" but was quick to tell us that his favorite part was the display of state flags. Surprise! Surprise!We arrived safely in Bozeman Monday night and spent another night in a hotel. We let the kids sleep in Tuesday morning before loading up with groceries and heading up the mountain to our home for the remainder of the week - Big Sky!

1 comment:

The V Family said...

I forgot to mention that this is where we got T's SD flag for his Bday!