"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Did It.

Well, it's done. I did it. I just dropped off T for his first day of preschool - sans Mama. Whew. When did my little buckeroo get so big?As we waited in the drop off line in the parking lot, I could tell T was excited and maybe just a little bit nervous, as he told me that he was going to hold on to Blue Dog until it was his turn to get out of the car. When that time arrived, with a great big smile on his face, he jumped out of the van into the arms of his precious teacher, Mrs. Trygstad, who warmly greeted him by name and asked "How are you today, sweetie?" to which he wholeheartedly replied, "Good!". And then, without even looking back, he took her hand and headed off.And then, well, I didn't completely follow the advice given by the Director of T's school at the parent meeting on Tuesday. She had advised us, "When they get out of that car, you just floor it and don't look back!" Truth be told.....I didn't exactly floor it. Instead, I proceeded at an appropriate pace until I was sure I was not causing any type of traffic jam for the other moms behind me waiting to drop off their babes, and then I did it.

I looked back.

And that's when I saw my precious little T walk confidently down the sidewalk, turn his head and look back for just a second, and then march through those great big doors to begin what I hope and pray will be a long love of being a learner.And that's when they came. At first they just peeked at the corners of my eyes and I was pretty proud of myself for the control that I showed. But then, Z and I got home and I started rocking her for her nap and well, those tears just wouldn't stay inside anymore. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was rocking him for his afternoon nap and now, today, he's out from under my wing and learning under someone else's trusted care. I'll admit, I rocked Z a bit longer than usual, knowing that in the blink of an eye, she, too, will be hopping out of the car and no doubt, dashing down that sidewalk.

Whew. The loosening of those proverbial apron strings is such a mixed blessing. Excuse me while I go blow my nose :)


Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

Excuse me while I go blow my nose too! This is an adventure that effects his little old babysitter too. You're doing great!!!

Kari said...

Good job, Stacy and Titus. Boy, does time fly, huh? Love you, friend.

The Sloneker's said...

Woah - now I need a tissue...what a precious posting!

Becky said...

All those 2Tim 1:7 prayers were greatly answered! I'm so happy to hear it went well. You made me cry too. love you girl.

E AND H said...

So super cute - the pics, the words, the whole post. It will be fun to listen to them excitedly talk about their adventures at Hosanna preschool! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Stacy, for allowing us to have this experience with you. I sent T's precious Daddy to preschool with the same feelings. He had a great time with Miss Marlene and Miss Doris. Precious memories!

Noelle said...

Thanks for sharing Stacy. The tears came here too-it hits the heart of every mother.

Henrik and Carrie said...

You got me started now, too!

erinmarie said...

I will admit Stacy your amazing blog entries have brought many a (happy) tear to my eye. But this was the first all out sob! I felt like I was there with you!!! You are such an amazing mother and I am so proud of you... and T!!!!

Rob and Carrie said...

Oh, good heavens, Stacy-I'm so glad I read this at night or I don't know if I could've gotten through the day! :) So sweet.

The Cranium House said...

Oh, dear. I needed two tissues for that one. Loved how you put the old pictures with the words. Thanks for sharing it with us! Way to go, T! You are a brave boy!

Sara said...

Beautiful love story, Stacy.