"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

T is for Thursday. Thursday is for T.

Here are some Tidbits from the past week or so:
One day, T came up with the idea that he wanted to wear all of his flags on his back. I believe he was inspired by the Clifford game that he enjoys playing on PBS kids. Anyway, here was the end result of his idea:
T recently used the exclamation, "Wowsa!" When I asked him where he had heard that word, he said, "That's what Daddy says when Z has a really poopy diaper."

While wrapping T's cousin G1's birthday gift the other day, I made the statement that I had one more little thing that I needed to include in the gift bag. Here is the conversation that followed:

T: "Hey, I have one more little thing to give to G1, too. A boogey."

I looked over at him, and sure enough, there was his little "gift" on the tip of his index finger.

Me: "T, I'm pretty sure G1 doesn't want a boogey for her birthday."
T: "What would she say?"
Me: "I think she would say, 'That's gross, T'".
T: "I think she would laugh."

While visiting his Pake and Beppe, T and my Dad were outside walking home from the park. It had rained earlier, leaving behind some puddles for my little puddle-lover. After T happily splashed through said puddles with his Crocs on his feet, he told my Dad that his toes were "tinkling". I guess that was his way of explaining the water that was oozing out of the holes in his Crocs.

When sorting through some boxes of some of my old stuff recently, I happened upon a devotional book that I had saved from when I was a kid called, "Little Visits with God." I decided to read some of it with T and he has really come to enjoy it. Each devotion has a verse with a corresponding story - usually about some child who experiences something that teaches about whatever that particular lesson is about. There are then some follow up questions for us to discuss and then a prayer. The other night when we were reading his devotions before bed, the topic of the particular passage was about how God has made everything. After reading the story to T, I started in on the questions. The first one asked, "Why do you think God made so many beautiful things for us?" T's response, "Because he loves us." The next question, which I can't even remember at the moment, yielded this response from T, "Wow. This is tough stuff, Mama."


Anonymous said...

Priceless, just PRICELESS. Hey, T, can't wait to see pics of you as a ringbearer!! Grams.

SkodaFun said...

I found a ton of new flags at a thrift store and thought of T. Send me an email. I would love to pick them up for T. cynthiaskoda@yahoo.com

Henrik and Carrie said...

Oh, boy! Those quotes are too cute!