"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Z's Sunday Best: A Double Installment

As it true for many families in the grand season of summer, we recently hit the road and took a wee bit of a vacation. Thus the silence on our blog this past week. We have a lot of pics to show you from our adventures and we will be spacing them out throughout the coming days - so keep checking in on us. But for today, we'll stick with our traditional Sunday Best - though this entry features Z's bests from today and last Sunday. The first two are from today - our first full day back at home. The other three are clearly a different backdrop than what you have come to expect for Z's Sunday photos, giving you a hint at what we were up to this past week, as well as who we were hanging out with!

1 comment:

Rob and Carrie said...

I can't wait to see T's video! I'm sure it's very entertaining. Z looks like such a little lady in these pictures. I love the one with Grace. So cute and colorful!