"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

T is for Thursday. Thursday is for T.

Here are this weeks Tidbits:
Michael took T to the 8th grade band concert at his school this week. I wish he had taken the camera with him to document the event because according to Michael, T sat in his lap and shook with anticipation and excitement :) The concert and jazz bands played and T was quite excited to tell me all about it when they returned. In fact, he needed to reenact part of the show before he went to bed - even though the concert had rendered it far past bedtime. The next morning when T woke up, one of the first things he said to me was, "That sure was a big concert, huh?" Then, while going about his "morning business" he said, "Mama, I could FEEL the music. I could FEEL the rhythm." Oh, T. You are something else!
The other day I heard T shout at me from another room, "Mama! Come look at me! I have a funny hat on!"Yep. You sure do.
T really enjoys being Daddy's helper outside. These photos were taken one evening this past weekend while T helped Michael complete one of many "projects" that were "lots of hard work" (according to T). I love their matching headphones :)
And finally, I walked into the family room last night and saw this........because her big brother T was doing this.......


Henrik and Carrie said...

Oh I just love my niece and nephew so much!!! Miss you to pieces!!!

Auntie Carrie

Anonymous said...

GREAT PICS - GREAT COMMENTS - THANKS. Sure miss those little ones! Grams