"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

T is for Thursday. Thursday is for T.

Just a few "T"idbits from the week:
On Wednesday evening, all of the kids and youth from our church headed to Pump It Up for an end of the year celebration. It's this great place filled with all kinds of inflatable activities (obstacles courses, huge slides, jumpers, basketball court, boxing, etc). Though T was his typical observant self at the beginning of the evening, he found a real love for the jumping basketball court and was quite sad when the evening was done. On our way home in the van, he was lamenting about how he needed to go back and play "just a little bit more". After numerous times of telling him I understood that he wanted to go back but that we indeed could not go back that evening, T said, "But Jesus really wants me to go back and play a little more."

Really? Very interesting.
T's Pake has taught him a new word. I believe it's a Dutch word. I don't even know how to really spell it. I think it goes something like "Honyocker" (the "hon" part rhymes with "gone" and the "yocker" part rhymes with "soccer") - say it. Honyocker. Perfect. Anyway, Pake will call T a Honyocker. I believe it means that you are a bit of a trouble maker/goofball. Anyway, the other night at youth group, T said to one of the boys in our group who was acting a bit silly, "You sure are a honyocker!" Great, Pake. Now you've got my kid calling other kids bigger than him names :)
T enjoys giving his sister pushes on the swing. This is one of my favorite pics of the week.**********************************
And finally, a little clip of T presenting me with my Mother's Day card - albeit on Saturday (a day early) because he just could NOT wait to show it to me. The card says that he has created a new dance in my honor - it's called The MomBo.


Becky said...

That doesn't sound like the MomBo #5....must be #4.

Emily said...

Love the picture of T pushing Z in the swing. Precious!

-the Thompson's

Fergus Norsky said...

The term “honyockers” seems to have originated in Montana in the 1890’s and was used by the ranchers there until sometime around 1920 to identify groups of people they termed “nesters”, “chicken chasers”, “homesteaders”, “squatters”, or “honyockers”. One needs to remember that the ranchers and cowboys did not have much use for these early settlers because as they fenced and plowed the land, it generally made it harder for ranchers to run their cattle. My research has led me to believe that the term “honyocker” is probably much the same as today’s “dirt farmer”. The Norwegians claim to have made up the name.