"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

T is for Tuesday. Tuesday is for T.

Here are this week's "T" Tales:
While fixing a puzzle together (Michael, T and I), Michael exclaimed, "Jackpot!" when he found the piece he was looking for. Shortly after, when T discovered a piece HE was searching for, he joyfully announced, "Jack-in-the-box!"
At the conclusion of this week's sports class, when asked by his teacher what his favorite part of the class was that day, T told her "the screaming". When she clarified that your favorite part was the part you like the best, T still stated, "the screaming". Um.....what???
While painting one day, the creation that T was making did not quite match what his words said he was making. He told me he was painting a rainbow but his picture looked, well, not like a rainbow. Knowing that he really is capable of painting a rainbow, I said, "That doesn't really look like a rainbow, T", to which he replied, "I'm just using my 'magination, Mom."
After sending T to his room for a little "thinking" time, I heard a couple of small slamming noises (mixed in with a few tears). Then, all was quiet. A few minutes later, T announced that he was ready to come out. So, I went to talk with him about the behavior that had landed him in his room. After talking about the "incident", T confessed to me (unprovoked) that he had slammed the lid on his step stool closed because he was feeling "angry". He then told me he was sorry because he knew (and I quote) "that behavior is not appropriate."
And finally, this last tidbit is one that I just had to SHOW you in order for you to get the full affect. It's T summoning us one morning (well, Michael, mostly), letting us know that he was ready to get up. It's a pretty regular occurrence at our house.

Unfortunately, it was a week day so T had to settle for me instead.


Sara said...

Oh, T, you are amazing! Plus, you are a great subject for the blog - I love to see what you're up to!

Anonymous said...

T., you CRACK ME UP!!! What a hoot. Thanks for sharing these great stories. G.L.