"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Compassion in India

A few years back, I accompanied some lovely young ladies from our youth group to a Girls of Grace conference. It was an awesome event. Compassion International was featured at the conference as the women of Point of Grace had recently returned from a trip in which they met the very children their families sponsor. Their stories and video were amazing. Compassion had a number of sponsor packets available at the conference and the girls in our group decided that they wanted to accept the invitation and pool their money together on a monthly basis to sponsor a child. They chose a young girl from India named Pooja. Our group continues to provide sponsorship to her - she is now 6 years old.

Currently, there is a group of people in India (Calcutta to be specific) visiting many of the Compassion centers located there, as well as meeting a number of the sponsored children. One of the women on the trip is the author of a blog that I enjoy reading (though I do not know her personally). She is linked on our blog under the "I'm a Sunday: Bring The Rain" icon. Another of the women is the daughter of Beth Moore. Anyway, all of the group is blogging about their experiences while in India. I have been following them quite closely and am finding their stories to be eye-opening, heart moving and even life changing. It is quite amazing to see what the $32 per month that our youth group sends for Pooja really does. If she is anything like the children being written about on these blogs, for Pooja, it seems, this small amount of money quite possibly means the difference between death and life - TRUE life.

For the past couple of days I have been thinking I should post about the trip and the blogs so that others might follow their journey and even possibly be led to sponsor a child with Compassion - but then life goes on and I neglect to take the time to write the post. However, I just finished reading the entries from today and I decided that I couldn't put it off any longer. I encourage you to click on the link below. It will take you to the Compassion India 2009 site. From there, you can link to the various blogs - just click on the pictures of the group participants on the right hand side. God is doing a mighty work through Compassion in this country and I think that some of you might just want to be a part of it.


1 comment:

Becky said...

we've been praying for this group of people who are in Calcutta in my women's bible study.I'm so interested to check out the blog. Thanks.