"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

So Long Ugly Bathroom!

M and I are foregoing gifts to each other this year in order to tackle a project that we have been wanting to complete since we first purchased this house.......saying farewell to a very 80s-inspired bathroom. Today marked the beginning of the end for our linoleum floor with mauve diamonds - can I hear a Hallelujah?! A friend from church is showing M the ropes in this remodel and the two of them got quite a bit accomplished on Day 1. Hopefully this is not the final resting place for the potty - it's in the middle of our bedroom floor in this photo :)
Stay tuned for updates........


Brent and Jennifer Rogness said...

Maybe someone ought to post a 'do not use' sign on the stool... just in case!

Anonymous said...

T. what a big helper - you look just like a real construction worker except you forgot your hard hat. Ditto to J & B advice!!!!!!!
G. & G. L.