"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Little Bit of Christmas

Because we will soon be heading to the windy city to celebrate Christmas with the G-bomb clan, we had our own little family Christmas this weekend. We actually spread the events over two evenings so that T would have some time to enjoy his gifts before we depart. Both evenings began with the reading of "The Christmas Story" (divided into two parts) from T's Bible.A quick attempt at a sibling photo followed.Then the unwrapping began. This year we decided to adopt a tradition that my sister actually told me about. Each of the kids received three gifts from us - to correspond with the number of gifts that the 3 wisemen brought to Baby Jesus. We are hoping that this tradition will help to ensure that Christmas does not become mostly about gifts to our kids but rather that they will understand that the most important gift we can receive is Jesus.Z was quite tickled with her first Christmas gift exchange - she kept pushing this big box off of the chair onto the floor and then giggling....it was pretty funny.She received some new books which her big brother was quick to show to her,as well as some new clothes and this toy that thoroughly captured her attention.T chose this lights and music machine as his gift to Z. He was quite excited to show her how it works.T received this GeoTrax contraption that he has had his eye on for months now, as well as the LeapFrog Tag reading system, some games and the Little People Amusement Park (from Z).
He has been busy playing with his new gifts all day - in fact, he woke up at 6:45 this morning ready to get started....which is a good hour and a half earlier than his typical wake time. Oh, the excitement of Christmas! I love it!


Andrea said...

Luke is getting the Geo Trax airplane thing too. We're pretty sure he'll be thrilled with it. Adam will maybe be the most excited since he loves Geo Trax more than all of them. :)

The Erickson Family said...

I really like the idea of 3 gifts. We'll have to talk about that for future Christmas celebrations here.