"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weekend in the Windy City

Hey people! T here. This past weekend, my mama, daddy and I jetted off to my Pake and Beppe's house to celebrate Thanksgiving a tad bit early. The whole gang was there and wow, did we have fun! On Friday, the girls took the train into the city to do girlie stuff. Apparently they visited some big American Girl store. My cousin, G1, thought it was pretty neat. They also ate lunch and did some shopping on the Magnificent Mile.While the girls were shopping, the boys did more manly things. I can't tell you all the details, and I don't have any pictures to show you, but let's just say it involved a certain large outdoor store where we were able to see a whole lot of cool animals. On Saturday, we celebrated Thanksgiving, complete with a turkey dinner and football. My dad and I did some tackling drills in the backyard.Intermixed with all of the major events was a whole lot of old fashion fun! I played some rockin' drum duets with G1,had a grand old time jumping on Pake and Beppe's bed with G2,bathed like a rock star in Pake and Beppe's HUGE jetted tub,sang a little karaoke,played catch with G1,and just had an all around AWESOME time!Here are a few more pics of my family!By the time we flew home on Sunday night, I was pretty tuckered out.Pake and Beppe, THANK YOU for a totally awesome weekend! I miss you a whole bunch already!

1 comment:

Vic said...

Thank you, T for sharing pictures of your time with your family in Chicago. We have been waiting to hear about your adventures. I heard it was a very quiet house in S. Elgin when you all left.