"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lefse Baby!

Last Tuesday, I experienced a fabulous first. Thanks to the creative proposal of TR2, I, along with four really fun ladies, took a little cooking class and learned how to make lefse! And I must say, I have gained a whole new respect for all you little lefse makers out there. It is no quick and easy feat to roll and flip this tasty Scandinavian treat. Our lesson in the art of lefse making started promptly at 6:30. Three hours, some five pounds of potatoes, oodles of flour and approximately 50 little balls of dough later, we were officially trained in the art of lefse. Here's a peek at me rolling out some lefse.And here are some photos of my lovely lefse cohorts: TR2 (the coordinator of this grand event),
Jeannette (proud owner of a potato ricer),Lisa (one talented, and a bit mischievous, lefse flipper),
and Carrie (lovely Norwegian, married to equally lovely Super Swede).Thanks for a fun evening, ladies! Let's do it again real soon!

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