"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Packing Peanut Palooza

I received a gift in the mail yesterday from my mom and dad in which the contents were surrounded by a plethora of packing peanuts. While I enjoyed the items that these Styrofoam snacks surrounded, T, on the other hand, had a greater appreciation for the actual peanut.

He squished the peanuts with his boyishly manly feet.He drummed a little ditty on the air-filled treats.He took a wide-legged walk through the field of peanuts.He speared the poor, unsuspecting victims while wearing a slightly disturbing smirk of pleasure.And he worked up such a sweat while partaking in these aforementioned activities that the peanuts stuck to his sticky little feet.Thanks for the gifts, Pake and Beppe! (Packing peanuts included).


Henrik and Carrie said...

I LOVE the picture of T with the peanuts on the chopsticks! That expression is priceless!

Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

Happy Birthday. Let's see if I remember to give you your card today. I am sure I won't! Ahhhhh! T

Brent and Jennifer Rogness said...

Toys like that are going to put the chain stores out of business!

So cute!